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Please donate or volunteer to make a difference in a victim’s life.


SecurIT360 and The Cyber Helpline is building a team of volunteers, funders and partners to help victims in the USA

Hundreds of individuals from the USA ask for help from our volunteers each month and tens of thousands more access our online guidance. However, we do not have the resource of funding to support them currently and there is no equivalent service in America. These victims are left to fend for themselves.

For the first year, if we can raise the funding, we will take our unique model to the USA and support more than 3,000 victims. This pilot will allow us to make an impact for those victims, but also learn about how our model needs to evolve to provide effective support for American victims.

Our USA supporters so far

How can you or your organization help?

In order to fund the USA pilot we need the following:

  • Funding – we are looking to raise $160,000 for the first year. Be part of the team Corporate donations or sponsorships or you can also donate individually below. If we raise more, we can help more victims.

  • Volunteers – we are looking to build a team of 10 volunteer Helpline Responders to run the service, as well as volunteers to support our threat intelligence and content teams. If your organization has a corporate volunteering scheme in the USA or you are an individual who would like to volunteer then please get in touch.

  • Partners – our partners provide tools, expertise and intelligence to help us support victims with cybercrime & online harm. If you are in the cyber industry you may be able to help.

  • Not-for-profits – organizations supporting victims in other areas like harassment, domestic abuse, stalking and mental health are likely to be coming up against technical issues with their clients. Working together we can help provide a full range of support to victims.

  • Professionals – to make this pilot successful we need a range of skills including legal, finance, IT, marketing and more. If you are passionate about our cause and would like to help then please get in touch.

Our mission: What will we achieve in the first 12-months?

Not enough is being done to support victims of cybercrime & online harm in the USA. Millions of victims suffer with little or no expert help and the impact can be huge. Thousands of victims contact our UK helpline every month desperate for help. We want to make sure they get the help the need.

The first year will:

  • Recruit, train and operate a team of 10 volunteer cybersecurity experts who will run a USA helpdesk supporting local victims.

  • Support at least 3,000 victims over the 12-month period.

  • Will capture the local issues and needs of victims that can be built into a future service.

  • Build connections with local government, police and not-for-profit organisations to ensure maximum impact on victims.

  • Help victims understand their issue, contain the threat, recover and learn from their experience.

  • Lessen the impact on victims in the USA.


Our Offices

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Mailing Address

3000 Riverchase Galleria, Suite 700
Birmingham, AL 35244, USA